मुखं संयम्य नाडीभ्यामाकृष्य पवनं शनैः।
यथा लगति कण्ठात्तु हृदयावधि सस्वनम् ।।
Moorcha is sanskrit word which means faint. therefore, it is Moorcha Pranayama.
Holding mechanism of this breath stems the feeling of dizziness in the practitioner, so it’s also known as ‘swooning breath‘.
Person should not put and extra pressure.
If you feel sick or tired stop this immediately and do Shavasana.
People who have mental disorder should avoid Murcha breathing.
The cases of high blood pressure (hypertension) or low blood pressure (hypotension) should abstain themselves from this breathing technique..
The heart patients should do it under the training of a teacher.
If the person gets wholly fainted or unconscious, discontinue it immediately.