Udgeeth Pranayama

Udgeeth Pranayama also known as Aum Pranayama or Aum chanting, during Rechak phase practictioner produce Aum sound. 'A' starts from stomach/abdomen, 'U' from chest and throat and finally 'M' from throat and nostrils.

Udgeeth Pranayama is very effective in improving pulmonary function in healthy individuals.

Udgeeth Pranayama is simplest Pranayama to improve concentration, focus and memory power.

Udgeeth Pranayama also use to build and improve meditation practice.

This Pranayama is useful for childrens as well, to sharp the memory.

This Pranayama improves sleep and control snoring.

It will cure psychological diseases e.g. tension, anger, and anxiety.

It also calms the mind and brings stability to individuals.

This Pranayama removes the negativity from the body.

Pregnant women must not do it.
This Pranayama should be done gently and slowly.


  • Sit in Padamasana or Sukhasana.

  • Place your hands to your knee and your hands either in Gyana Mudra or Chin Mudra.

  • Keep the chest, neck, and head straight.

  • Inhale gently and exhale with Aum sound and practice the exhalation pattern, 'A' starts from stomach/abdomen, 'U' from chest and throat and finally 'M' from throat and nostrils.

  • Perform inhalation and exhalation activity rhythmic.

  • Repeat this process for 3 to 5 minutes.

  • After finishing, relax yourself for minimum 30 seconds; while relaxing bring all your attention to Sahasrara Chakra.